I need to start this off with a cute shot of Will. It has nothing to do with anything really.
So, today was Will's first Official Day in the Big Boy Room at School. I think... wait, scratch that, I know it was much more traumatic for me than it was for him. When he was in the baby room, I would stay with him for 5-10 minutes and play and get him acclimated to where he was. It was a nice routine for us, plus it gave me the pleasure of having a good acquaintance with his teacher, Ms. Dee.
Now that he's in the BBR, when I drop him off it's immediately time for breakfast. So he sat in his big boy chair (BBC) at the big boy table (BBT) and started eating his cereal and blala like it was no big deal. I needed it to be a big deal, I think. I wanted him to panic a bit and hold on to me, but he didn't. He transitioned perfectly fine because he's a well-adjusted kid in an environment where he feels safe with a (new) teacher that he obviously likes. This is a good thing. Logically, I know this. But is a small freak-out too much to ask for?
As I walked out of the room not two minutes after arriving, I shut the door behind me and peeked in the window. Will was watching me with a look on his face that clearly said "Mom? But...but where are you going? We're supposed to hang out now. We always hang out before you go. Mom! Ooh, blala" so I left. A little verklempt, but I left knowing he'd be okay.
He was okay except for the fact that he pooped his pants and had to change clothes. Heh.
Of course, when he got home, all hell broke loose.
Will got his first bloody nose. For anyone reading this who hasn't been to my house, it's almost entirely tile floors. Granted, I have rugs and carpets covering 85% of the tile, but it's tile nonetheless. Great for sweeping, not great for a sleepy (read: clumsy) toddler. Will got up out of his little reading chair and walked around me and then SMACK! His body was on carpet. Unfortunately his face was entirely on tile.
Smack! is a sound heard often where Will's concerned, but 9.5 times out of 10, he gets up with a look that says "Whoa" circa Keanu in Speed and toddles away, momentary pain forgotten. This was that 0.5 time.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Will's first bloody nose:
Pablo helped ease the pain a bit

Guess who put the tissue in his nose?