Thursday, February 28, 2008


What is Will's favorite movie?

On Wednesday, the 17-month anniversary of the date of Will's birth, I gave him a bath to celebrate this momentous milestone. We did some Dump The Cup; we did some Ernie on a Boat; we did some "A Pirate Says Arrr", complete with pirate ship and Pirate Uniqua. As we're finishing up, I noticed that Will stopped doing anything. And grunted. Twice.

I KNOW we don't have any Baby Ruth bars in the house.... But, oh, how I wish we did.

ETA: Jason didn't put the memory card back in the damn camera! I made him take a picture to commemorate this for Bethany! Curses!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

You should see the other guy

So, we went skiing after Valentine's Day. Nothing says "I love you" like taking a faceplant on a block of ice and cracking your goggles. To top this off, after spending an hour in the medical center, Jason went back to the mountain and proceeded to teach my lazy butt how to snowboard. I just realized that I think I might qualify as worst wife in the world for asking him to do that.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


It's been a busy week for Will's friends. Violet said her first word. Kylie took her first steps. Congrats to both you girls; we're incredibly happy for (and proud of) you both.
On the Violet note, however, I'd like to personally ask V's mom to reign in the "Mama" talk in front of me please. My genius boy can say the following (note to self: add to Thesauras):
Milk (yes it sounds exactly like shoe, but he's usually pointing to his cup and/or fridge while saying it)
but will not say Mama. This breaks my heart a little.