Sunday, February 10, 2008


It's been a busy week for Will's friends. Violet said her first word. Kylie took her first steps. Congrats to both you girls; we're incredibly happy for (and proud of) you both.
On the Violet note, however, I'd like to personally ask V's mom to reign in the "Mama" talk in front of me please. My genius boy can say the following (note to self: add to Thesauras):
Milk (yes it sounds exactly like shoe, but he's usually pointing to his cup and/or fridge while saying it)
but will not say Mama. This breaks my heart a little.


Anonymous said...

teach peanut how to say Matt so we can par-tay!!!

Bethany said...

He may not say "Mama," but you're taking the high road. Instead of teaching Violet things she needs to know, like, eat/food/hungry/cold/tired...I have selfishly only focused on one word. "Mama."

Besides, I'm not so sure it really counts. Dave thinks it does, but I'm not convinced. You can judge for yourself next week!

dougnlarry said...

It will come, trust me. Bradley was a late talker and now he never shuts up! And he likes to repeat my name over and over now, which can get annoying. "MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!" I say enjoy the silence while it lasts. And at least he doesn't say "dada" either. ;)