Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Zoo trip
We took the kids to the zoo this afternoon. Will and Kylie rode a giant iguana.
Bears! Oh my!
Find the gazelle:
One of these things is not like the other:

Either the zookeepers at the Fort Worth zoo have a really twisted sense of humor or they're just mean. The gazelle (and zebra) exhibit is/are directly across from the African lion exhibit. So the lions get to sit and watch their would-be prey frolic and, in essence, say nanny-nanny-boo-boo from the complete safety of their own habitat.
We had fun, as always, and, as always, finished up with a meal at Pappa's Burgers where Jason and Jon (who'd been dutifully ignoring all radio and televisions that could possibly reference the Cowboys score so they could watch the game on their own respective, ridiculously large televisions) got to catch the last ten minutes live. Whoops.
Food of the Gods
We've discovered powdered donuts. I've mandated them as a weekend-only food in an attempt to prevent mashed powdered donuts from completely flooding Will's veins.
You can't quite see how very covered his little face is. BTW, I have to pull the straw up so as not to create a milk-geyser when putting the top of his cup out. Don't worry, though:
Will's used to it and can compensate.
You can't quite see how very covered his little face is. BTW, I have to pull the straw up so as not to create a milk-geyser when putting the top of his cup out. Don't worry, though:
Will's used to it and can compensate.

Monday, September 1, 2008
Fun and/or cute things Will's learned to do
1. Speak in complete sentences (ie. I love you too, Momma [I wuf ew do, Momma])
2. Say "Bless you" in both the correct and incorrect times (ie "Achoo", "Bless you, Momma" or "Cough", "Bless you, Momma"). Either way, it's very cute.
3. Complete the phrase "What would you like for dinner, Will?" (Answer: Macaroni and cheese) He's mastered 'macaroni' (no more maca-moni for our boy!) and has been adding on the 'and cheese' part within the past week or so.
4. Climb into the bathtub.
5. Correctly identify Barney and Buster. This has been made infinitely easier when we realized that Buster has left us. I don't know where he is, please don't ask. It's been five days and I'm starting to give up hope. Anyway, it's pretty impressive that Will could walk up to Barney and say "Bahney" when most of our guests still have to ask "Is this the heavy cat?"
6. Identify the number 6.
7. Identify the letter H.
8. Climb into his big boy chair unaided. The high chair is for sissy-boys.
9. Hanging. He's really good at hanging. Still hasn't mastered chilling out or relaxing out, coolin' or shooting some b-ball outside of school.
10. Jumping. He loves to jump off the ottoman onto the floor while holding onto my hands. However, he then proceeds to push me saying "Move, Momma, move" but will freak out when he climbs back onto the ottoman to jump off again and I'm not close enough to hold his hands. It's a circle.
11. Grow incisors.
12. Finding out "How about...." is a very, very funny phrase and will send him into fits of giggles and squeals.
There, y'all. Happy?
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