Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Caddyshack 2: Eccentric Poopaloo

It was cute the first time. Mainly because I made Jason clean it up. The second time? I'm stuck scrubbing the poop deck and it's not nearly as cute. It wasn't quite as.... firm as last time. The Baby Ruthness of it wasn't present. This is really going to slow down the visitation at Casa de Carter if potential visitors think the tub might have recently been confused with a very large bidet.

I think Will was trying to give me cues. Last time he just stopped playing and started pushing; this time he repeatedly tried to get out of the tub, even though we were nowhere close to being done (Yes, even Will's bathtime has a routine; it works for us). Looking back at it, his face clearly said "OK, lady, you're asking for it".

Today was also Picture Day at school. Some of you may know that Will doesn't usually participate in this b/c School has the photographers come on Thursday when Will isn't there. Not this time, though: this time, Picture Day was Wednesday! Having been given advance notice, I dressed Will in a Cute Outfit: light blue polo shirt, light brown cords--it was cold this morning, shut up--and argyle socks. You are allowed to make fun of me for the argyle socks. When I dropped him off, his fellow BBRmates were in the midst of the picture-taking festivities, one little boy dressed in his sweater vest (!) sitting quietly in the center of artfully arranged, scary-large Crayolas. I was excited for Will's picture moreso with the bruise on his cheek.

Sidenote: Will had his first Accident Report at School yesterday. He fell against a lightweight bookshelf and has a shadow of a bruise on his cheek. The timing was perfect since it was just in time for Picture Day and I can have a shot of Will next to the one of Toddler Me wearing boxing gloves and sporting a black eye. I'm obviously not very worried about his Accident Report.

Anyway, I left Will happy and in line for Pictures in his cute little frat-boy-meeting-his-girlfriend's-parents Sunday best. When Jason picked him up, Will was wearing his spare clothes. Apparently he pitched a fit whenever the photographers tried to get a shot of him, so Will is still without pictures and his perfect little outfit is covered in strawberry yogurt.

Man, I really built that story up with very little for the ending. I fear that Bethany Stories will now be replaced as Jill Stories.


Bethany said...

You are hateful.

The Carter's said...

I've got a raging case of pink eye. Back off.

Bethany said...

Oh, that sucks.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the pink eye is from the poop clean up? Heh.
