Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Will is officially my child, in case you were wondering. Yesterday, he managed to lock himself in the bathroom.

When I got home from work , Tiny was very clingy with me. I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom without him, so he came with me as I did my bidness. After I explained what I was doing as I was doing it--sort of like being my own color commentator of urination--I closed the lid, washed my hands and turned around to get Will to follow me out of the bathroom. He thought it would be cute to push me out of the room and shut the door.

And somehow manage to turn the lock.

Being the bad parent I am, I start laughing. Then I start going mentally going through the cabinets to figure out what poisonous/hazardous things are in there for Will to eat. Thankfully, since I don't clean often enough for the bathroom to have its own set of cleaning products, there's nothing in there for Will to consume. Although there is $20 worth of toilet paper that he could destroy pretty easily.


Anonymous said...

what no pictures? Next time you go, send me text of the bathroom commentary, I'd like to know if i'm doing it right. oh, and send me that taquito,too.

Bethany said...

c l a s s i c.