Will & Kylie practicing chopsticks.
Also, we were bathtub poop-free last night. Of course, bathtime only lasted 7 minutes. I had a very unhappy little boy.
A little bit of this. A little bit of that. Now with more squeaking.
Will & Kylie practicing chopsticks.
Will enjoyed them.
Saturday was Jovie’s birthday party (she turned 2[!] on Sunday) so, being my child, Will of course went into the playroom and entertained himself.
Actually, this isn’t 100% true. Jenny & Justin got Jovie one of those huge playsets for the backyard and Will had a helluva time on the swingset and slide. Jenny was also incredibly smart and had blown up balloons for the kids to play around with, which were a big hit with Will. Until he squeezed them too hard and they popped in his face. Anyway, he ran around the backyard with the ball and balloons and screaming and just generally being his cute self. At one point I called to him and he ran right past me; upon noticing that he had no interest in me, one of the party-going mothers looked at Will and said “He’s so precious! Do you know who he belongs to?”
Anyway, then we had the actual Easter Sunday. We went to Grandma and Poppy’s church since they had a more convenient mass schedule, and Poppy and The Greats’ saved us seats in the second row. Will was a very good boy and loved watching Grandma playing her flute for the choir (that’s not a euphemism). He also applauded after each song, which the choir appreciated. I think he got excited during Communion because he proceeded to give high fives to everyone walking back to their pews. “Body of Christ! All right! Risen from the dead! Give it up!”
Then we went to Kristy and Jon’s for lunch and the Easter egg hunt. While the kids napped, we busied ourselves with watching the Mavs lose and Shaun of the Dead. Nothing says Easter like a zombie movie (sidenote: I really don't know why there hasn't been a zombie movie about Jesus yet. It's fitting).
Please notice the tie.
And the socks.
Shortly after that picture was taken, Will was catapulted into the neighbor's backyard.
Then, we filled up on chocolate and Grandma.
I never noticed how perfectly Grandma coordinated with Kylie's highchair.
Also, for anyone who cares, my son has learned to start the washing machine. Not just turn it on, but turn on the cycle and press start. I don't think his father knows how to do that.