Thursday, March 20, 2008

We've got crabs

Man, this whole post is going to be all funky. Sorry about that.

So, this week we decided to take full advantage of our backyard and start loading it up with kids' toys. In addition to Will's play station (slide-swing combo), we've got the 4-wheeler, rocking horse, wagon and the latest to our family: the sandbox and picnic table. We're more excited about this than Will is.

This is where I'd normally post pictures of our purchases and the adorable child playing in and/or with our purchases. Someone, I have absolutely NO IDEA WHO THAT COULD BE, seems to have misplaced our digital camera. So, please make do with the pictures lifted from the Toys R Us website.

First up we have what we originally wanted to purchase. We liked the idea of a 2-for-1 deal and the price was pretty decent. Although it looks like the little girl is about to impale herself on the shovel, I figured that was a chance I'd be willing to take. Then we found out that our particular TRU was out of them. So, we went back to the drawing board and went to see what else was available. That's when we saw this:

It's cute! It's red! It has mandibles which will really freak out Uncle Scott! So now whenever I take a break from work and want to take a gander at our lucious weeds, I'll now also have a giant crab peeking back at me.

Now we've got the Crab Box, but we're still missing the picnic table. That's when we found this:

It's practically the same thing, only with two sides! These kids are obviously having WAY more fun than the other ones. They're pointing and laughing and talking and interacting--no one's threatening suicide. Even better, buying these two things separately was $10 cheaper than the initial one we picked out.

So we've got that going for us.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That crab is cute.