I'm hijacking Mommy's blog for the evening to tell a story. A story about hamsters that lived in Daddy's first house. When Daddy first moved into the house, he lived with a bunch of people I don't really know, and one that I do know. The one I do know is Daddy's Cousin Shane and he owned two hamsters.
Daddy's Cousin Shane wasn't around a lot, but his hamsters were. They were funny hamsters but they didn't get to go out to play very much (it's like when Mommy doesn't get me out of my crib in the mornings and I'm left to entertain myself with a book and any poop that's collected in my diaper. But that's a story for another time).
One day, Hamster A managed to escape. This made the two cats living at the house very excited. They had a delicious snack that they got to catch themselves which didn't happen a lot. Hamster B was very upset about having to watch his/her hamster-mate die a horrible death, so s/he chewed off his/her own arm and bled to death.
This made Mommy and Daddy laugh and laugh. But it reminded Mommy of another hamster story that had much the same ending, courtesy of her. But that's another story for another time.
The end.
Does it involve Jasons butt??
(you totally set yourself up for that one, Jill, sorry!)
Sweet Daddy Matty
It's not an unreasonable question. Jason's butt is a frequent subject of story...lore really.
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