Me: Hi [Teacher], would you mind changing Will's diaper before we go? I forgot my diaper bag and we have to run some errands.
Teacher: Well, he just used the potty not 10 minutes ago. He was productive.
M: I'm sorry, what?
T: Yeah, he's pretty good about using the potty here. He woke up from his nap with a dry diaper all last week.
M: Seriously, what?
So, apparently Tiny has been having "productive" potties while at daycare. I attribute this to peer pressure and the little miniature adult toilets the school has. Jason and I have come to the consensus that our potty chair is too small for Will and we'll be searching for a different one with a larger receptacle: Will's testicles will thank us.
Now, don't be getting excited about all this. There are still days when Will doesn't get to the potty in time and Teacher has to use a change of clothes. They're very nice and wash out the offending garment and return it to us in the evening. Just usually not like this:
That's great! If he's doing it there, he could do it for y'all too.
(This makes me insanely jealous since my kid just potty trained at almost 3.)
Please tell me they didn't give you his clothes like that? That's annoying.
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