Monday, June 9, 2008

Over the river and through the woods....

Will and I made the trek to Houston last Friday for a couple of reasons: the main one being a picnic for our dear friends Rob & Noelle and the second reason for seeing Abba(h) and Papa.

Will was very excited at the thought of so many good friends and family being around:

Abba(h)'s make shift potty chair:

Below, Will demonstrates the fists of fury that will be unleashed if his Thomas the Tank Engine cup isn't filled with Heineken immediately.

Finally, we finished up the weekend with a hand-jive. You can tell the difference because Will doesn't look so angry.

So we got to spend a lot of time with Abba(h) and Papa but weren't able to make it to the picnic. I felt like a schmuck; having called Rob the day before and flat-out saying "Yeah, we'll totally be there; give me directions" and then having to make that sad phone call with a curt "notsomuch" as there's a screaming toddler in the background.

We'll have to make it out to the MacGregor pad later this summer when it's not so close to bed-time; I hear their neighborhood pool is rocking.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I'm never eating at M2.0's house again.