Monday, July 28, 2008

Parrafin: Never a good idea

While I was at my parents' this weekend, Alexis came over Saturday night. In an effort to reclaim the coolness I never really had, I suggested we really do it right and break out Mom's parrafin-wax-bath and give ourselves some treatments for a regular old-fashioned slumber party. It's true: I really am that lame.

A very bad idea. Not only the wax treatments, but for me to be around a camera at all. I'm very unattractive. And I can't take a picture to save my life.

We didn't realize that it took a long time for the wax to harden. Alexis refused to wait simply stuck her hand in the freezer to speed things along.

Below is what her hand looked like after sticking it in the freezer. Smooth, lovely, and ready to film a Zales ad with minimal prep.

This is what MY hand looked like after sticking it in the freezer. It's all very "They're coming to get you, Bar-baa-ra"

And then Alexis and I decided to have our wax molds high five each other, Barney-style. Because we're awesome like that.


dougnlarry said...


Bethany said...

That is awesome. Love the melting flesh hand.