It's official
I'm not surprised, we've all seen this coming. We're not expecting layoffs or anything drastic at the moment, so I can go into the holidays sure that I'll have a job when 2009 comes around.
Friday Fun Fact: when I started (April 17, 2000), our stock was $33.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Give the boy a hand
Yesterday when picking Will up from daycare, I asked his teacher if she'd mind changing his diaper before we left. This was the gist of the conversation:
Me: Hi [Teacher], would you mind changing Will's diaper before we go? I forgot my diaper bag and we have to run some errands.
Teacher: Well, he just used the potty not 10 minutes ago. He was productive.
M: I'm sorry, what?
T: Yeah, he's pretty good about using the potty here. He woke up from his nap with a dry diaper all last week.
M: Seriously, what?
So, apparently Tiny has been having "productive" potties while at daycare. I attribute this to peer pressure and the little miniature adult toilets the school has. Jason and I have come to the consensus that our potty chair is too small for Will and we'll be searching for a different one with a larger receptacle: Will's testicles will thank us.
Now, don't be getting excited about all this. There are still days when Will doesn't get to the potty in time and Teacher has to use a change of clothes. They're very nice and wash out the offending garment and return it to us in the evening. Just usually not like this:
Me: Hi [Teacher], would you mind changing Will's diaper before we go? I forgot my diaper bag and we have to run some errands.
Teacher: Well, he just used the potty not 10 minutes ago. He was productive.
M: I'm sorry, what?
T: Yeah, he's pretty good about using the potty here. He woke up from his nap with a dry diaper all last week.
M: Seriously, what?
So, apparently Tiny has been having "productive" potties while at daycare. I attribute this to peer pressure and the little miniature adult toilets the school has. Jason and I have come to the consensus that our potty chair is too small for Will and we'll be searching for a different one with a larger receptacle: Will's testicles will thank us.
Now, don't be getting excited about all this. There are still days when Will doesn't get to the potty in time and Teacher has to use a change of clothes. They're very nice and wash out the offending garment and return it to us in the evening. Just usually not like this:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Will hates Mommy
You may remember a post from earlier this week: I said I want a banana.
You may also remember the post before when Will tried to take me out with a toy jackhammer.
So these two incidents lead me to believe that Will might not get the warm fuzzies when he thinks of me. Last night, I got confirmation.
Little bugger bit me again. In the butt. Why is it just me? Why not Jason? Why are these habits not displayed at school or among his other little friends? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that sweet little Kylie & Jo are being spared Will's sudden liking for rump roast, but Jason has just as much of a bubble butt as I do, so what's the deal?
You may also remember the post before when Will tried to take me out with a toy jackhammer.
So these two incidents lead me to believe that Will might not get the warm fuzzies when he thinks of me. Last night, I got confirmation.
Little bugger bit me again. In the butt. Why is it just me? Why not Jason? Why are these habits not displayed at school or among his other little friends? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that sweet little Kylie & Jo are being spared Will's sudden liking for rump roast, but Jason has just as much of a bubble butt as I do, so what's the deal?
For Matt
Matt--or Funcle as he prefers to be known--bought Will a toy jackhammer for his 2nd birthday this year. Will's been enjoying it off and on the past couple of months, but on Friday, he snapped.
The kid came at me with this jackhammer.

I'm tired and can't think of any funny captions for these. Just know that he kept coming at me. I'd move back a bit so I could get a picture. Will would move as well. I'd go back, Will would go forward. And all the time he's jamming this jackhammer into the ground and we're getting this insane whirring noise every time the "toy" hits the tile and I know Will was aiming for my feet.
The kid came at me with this jackhammer.
It was like he was on a mission to cause me harm.
Coupled with the biting earlier this week, I'm wondering if the kid's trying to tell me something.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I said I want a banana
Sigh. Will's a biter. Trust me, I have first hand knowledge.
The Dunbar's came over for dinner and dominoes tonight. I stood up to answer a phone call from a solicitor (damn our no-having-caller-id-ness). While I was asking Tom--I mean Jason--if he needed to speak to this person, Will was in the background constantly asking for a banana.
The kid really, really wanted a banana.
To prove how hungry he was, he bit me.
In the butt.
The Dunbar's came over for dinner and dominoes tonight. I stood up to answer a phone call from a solicitor (damn our no-having-caller-id-ness). While I was asking Tom--I mean Jason--if he needed to speak to this person, Will was in the background constantly asking for a banana.
The kid really, really wanted a banana.
To prove how hungry he was, he bit me.
In the butt.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Status update
Height: 36" (please note: he's now able to go on all kiddie rides at Six Flags)
Weight: 32 lbs
Head: 19.75"
He's in the 75-90% for pretty much everything which is about on par with his growth so far, so we're excited about that. If we go by the adage that, full grown, he'll be twice as big as he is now, it can be safely assumed that Will will be just at 6'0" and 64 lbs.
We're so proud.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
RIP Barney
I'll miss you, Barnabus
Edit: Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern. Being the good Catholic I am, I'm absolutely guilt-ridden. Barney hadn't been able to keep anything down, but I wasn't too worried about it. Then I noticed that he'd stopped eating. Then stopped drinking. I took him into the vet on Monday and she suggested keeping him overnight to get some fluids in him, but I balked at the price. So she gave him some subcutaneous fluids and took blood for tests and said she'd call the next day when the bloodwork was back.
So Tuesday morning comes around and Barney's sitting on my bathroom counter. I gave him a little extra love (I'm so thankful for that) and told him we'd get him feeling better soon. Then I went to work, went to vote, and came home and found him. I'm not sure when he died that day, but....
Anyway, thanks everyone. I miss him.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Yeah, I'm late. Blogger didn't work for me last night.
Jason did the honor of carving our pumpkin this year. May I present Mr. Meowkins:
We never really got a good picture of Will in his pirate costume on our camera. We're placing all our eggs in Poppy's basket on that one. Regardless, here's a terrible shot of me and a candy-drunk Will:
We went to a few houses in our neighborhood and then carted everyone over to Kristy & Jon's neighborhood as one house over there went completely Griswold on the decorations (of course, we didn't get pictures but are again relying on Poppy).
We met up w/ some of Kristy & Jon's neighbors who have a 15mo little boy. He was Yoda. And he was awesome.
Please ignore my beer belly in this shot; it's not my best picture. The one below is better; I was trying to lean back to not actually be present in the photo, but it didn't work. Also, in the back you can see Yoda's mommy. No kidding, she's over six feet tall.
Jason did the honor of carving our pumpkin this year. May I present Mr. Meowkins:
On a totally different note, I've decided I need to start betting on football games. I haven't been wrong yet; I've called every Cowboys loss and their win last week, plus I called the Texas loss today (SPOILER!). I could be making a killing.
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