I'll miss you, Barnabus
Edit: Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern. Being the good Catholic I am, I'm absolutely guilt-ridden. Barney hadn't been able to keep anything down, but I wasn't too worried about it. Then I noticed that he'd stopped eating. Then stopped drinking. I took him into the vet on Monday and she suggested keeping him overnight to get some fluids in him, but I balked at the price. So she gave him some subcutaneous fluids and took blood for tests and said she'd call the next day when the bloodwork was back.
So Tuesday morning comes around and Barney's sitting on my bathroom counter. I gave him a little extra love (I'm so thankful for that) and told him we'd get him feeling better soon. Then I went to work, went to vote, and came home and found him. I'm not sure when he died that day, but....
Anyway, thanks everyone. I miss him.
Barney died? What happened? I am so sorry for your loss.
Hey, maybe you can get your other cat back now.
What, too soon??
Sorry J, we'll drink in his/her honor this weekend.
What happened to ol' barney???
Since you told me, I've been dreading checking your blog.
Gotta love Matt.
Thinking of you guys and doing research on animal protection rituals, because of anyone I know, you really need that information. Or maybe your Mom does...
I'm so sorry Jill.
sorry to hear about barney. :(
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