Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Training II: Pee Harder

He did it AGAIN!

I got home from work today and Will ran up to me, gave me a hug, a kiss and asked to go to the bathroom. Just what every parent wants. And then Jason said Will peed twice today at school. You know, on the potty chairs there; if it had just been in his diaper, it wouldn't be worth mentioning here.

I really haven't worried about the potty training too much up to this point. I figured that no child ever goes to college while still wearing diapers and that Will would let me know when he was ready. I'm not going into this with blinders on: we're still a long way away from big boy pants, but I'm just so damn proud of this kid. Seeing his little face light up when he's sitting on that tiny little toilet and he tells me it's coming is like no other feeling in the world.

I love being Will's mommy.

Another note: he learned to peddle his tricycle today. Eee!

1 comment:

dougnlarry said...

WTG Will! He's getting it!

Now it's time to put him in underwear and do loads of laundry every day until he gets it. LOL!