Saturday, June 13, 2009

Suck it

OK. I give. In the past two months:

  • My friend had a beautiful baby girl. The child can already lift one eyebrow and I swear she rolls her eyes at me when I tell a bad joke (which is often). Also, best water-breaking story ever: Friend was uncomfortably pregnant and believed the child was going to be Buster Bluth-ing it in her womb. Friend and her mom did a quick shopping trip and after walking out of the dressing room, Friend felt it. All down her pants and form a puddle in her shoes. What does Mom do? Mom says she doesn't want to waste her 30% off coupon and goes ahead and checks out. The topper is that Mom drove Dad's new car to the store and parked at the end of the parking lot so Friend had to walk with water-laden clothes and shoes out to the BFE of parkings spots. I love Friend's mom so very much for giving me this story.
  • Our friends Rob and Noelle welcomed their first (human) baby, Jackson, in early May. We haven't had the pleasure of meeting him yet b/c we don't live close, but we're excited to do so in just a week or so!
  • I had a birthday--it was...memorable. Heh. Mom took me to Shreveport on a Gilmore trip where we slept until noon, ate dinner too late and lost all the money we came with. As it should be. Also, I got the most awesome birthday wish ever from the aforementioned Jackson. Kid can sing, yo.
  • Will has become a ping pong player with the maddest of skills. We have ping pong balls on top of our kitchen cabinets. His hand-eye coordination is astounding to me: he can hit balls that have been thrown at him (we're good parents, honest!). He loves lightning, Dave Gould, Poppa and, apparently, boys. Will plays very well with other children, especially other children named Violet. Dave and Bethany came up for a surprise visit, immediately following an exotic trip to Costa Rica (which parts of apparently look like Texas), and Will and Violet played wonderfully together. Anytime Will showed evidence of a temper tantrum, Violet gave him a look then looked at her mom all "What's his problem?".
  • Jason turned 31. We had a party! And people showed up! I drank too much and didn't take pictures though.
  • Stacey was in for a visit. Made a quick 20-hour trip to Austin where I learned that, in all fairness, linen is a tight weave. Also? Three women can finish a bottle of rum pretty easily. I did take pictures of this and promise to post the one or two that didn't turn out completely blurry.

So, those are the highpoints of the past couple of months.


Rob MacGregor said...

Awesome. Thanks for the updates and shout-outs. We bug you because we miss you and we love you and we have too much internet time during the summer.

dougnlarry said...

Awesome. :)

Glad to hear from you again. And I hope to see you sooner rather than later.