Jason and I have discovered Torchwood on BBC America. Thanks to Christopher Eccleston's wonderful turn as Claude the Invisible Man on Heroes, I became enamoured of him enough to catch Doctor Who when our PBS affiliate played his season from start to finish.
Anyway, absolutely loved The Doctor (just his season, though; David Tennant is just too bizarre for me) and got sucked into John Barrowman and his Captain (of Innuendo) Jack Harkness, from whom Torchwood (topic!) is spun. TORCHWOOD is an anagram of DOCTOR WHO (as is cow hotrod). Anyway, blah blah blah, backstory backstory, inside joke.

Anyway, good show--and I'm not even a huge sci-fi fan; I just enjoy looking at pretty guys. Check it out on Saturday nights. Unless, of course, you have a life.
Also, Will had an eventful week: he had pink-eye, a sinus infection and ear infections in both ears. Of course, other than the pink eye, I had no clue about any of this because the kid won't stop smiling and giggling and just being all around cute. Where did this child come from?
Granted, this picture's a few months old, but I know that, when it was taken, Will had a really bad diaper rash and was vomiting. He's really sick, huh? He just looks miserable.
Man, what am I complaining about?
I didn't know you guys are into the Dr. and Torchwood. We are too. Well, I am anyway. I watched all of them while I was on maternity leave. I like David Tennant. I'm waiting for Torchwood to get better. It is OK.
Sci-Fi channel is almost at the end of season three of Dr...so they should be running a marathon soon. They need to get the show on the road.
BTW, the actor who plays Jack Hartness is gay. I was informed of this at dinner last night with E2. Of course, the gays always try to claim the cute ones.
Not only is he gay, but he was slated to play Will in Will & Grace, but was told he was too straight. Heh.
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