Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Will

Oh, you tiny, perfect little man.

How is it that it's only taken twelve months to go from this:

(this one even freaks me out a bit)
To this:

Will's birthday was a success. He's officially one now: no more infant clothes or car seats. He's a fully-fledged, card-carrying member of the Whole Milk-Drinking, Bottle-Weaning, Forward-Facing Car Seat Riding, Toddling Just Enough to Warrant the Name, Cake-Smashing, Table-Food-Eating (but only certain foods because he only has the one tooth), Clapping-Waving-Hi Fiving Club. The WMDBWFFCSRTJEtWtNCSTFEbocfbhohtotCWHFC is an exclusive club; I know of no other 1-year old who belongs to this club, mainly because other 1-year olds have more than one tooth.

Anyway, because Jason and Robert (Daddy and Poppy, respectively) had to leave at 8 tonight to drive to Houston for a store in the morning before driving back up to Shreveport for the weekend, Will had some help opening gifts to speed the process along. He tended to get caught up with things. Like ribbon. And paper. And Jovie playing with newly opened toys.

I was going to add more pictures, but they're not being uploaded correctly (it's slightly possible that I'm doing it wrong). I'll try again tomorrow (or later today. Man, I've been at this for a while) and show you pictures of the cake-eating.


Bethany said...

Dude...what about the gifts? Were the coloring books loved or what?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

- rd

Bethany said...

BTW, I love his little camo pants. They are so cute.