Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Book 'em, danno

Hi. How are you? I've been well, thanks.

Sir William ran away from home on Monday. No, I'm not kidding. I sat at my desk on Monday afternoon, tap-tap-tapping away while Robert and Jason put up the trim on the new entertainment center (btw, Robert and Jason are building me an entertainment center) and watched Will, respectively. The three of us turned to one another simultaneously when we realized that Tiny hadn't made any noises. Then Robert said the scariest/funniest words ever.

"Did we shut that garage door?"

The answer to that would be no.

Will had toddled through the utility room and down The Big Step. Walked through the garage and past the power tools. Down the driveway and ACROSS THE STREET. Then ACROSS ANOTHER STREET. He wasn't two blocks away, but kitty-corner (catty-corner?) to our house. But he was by himself. He walked away from three responsible adults who all thought someone else was watching him.

Funniest part to this story is that it's not the first time that a Calonico descendent has run away from home as a toddler. Apparently Funcle Matt did it, too. And he was brought home by the cops. Can you imagine being my mom and answering the door to see a cop standing there w/ an absolutely adorable little boy (one you thought was in his room quietly playing)?

At least Will doesn't have an arrest record.


Bethany said...

OMG, you are totally good humored.

The Carter's said...

Not much choice.

Bethany said...

That is a point.

Yeah, I'm doing much better today than I thought I would be doing...but man, I cannot party like I used to. This growing old stuff is for the birds.

Part of the fuel for my shopping extravaganza was that while shopping, I looked around and I suddenly felt very uncool and very old. Damn marketing people.