Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pictures... finally

My friend Allison (new aunt to Sean--congrats Meaghan and Ryan!) got Will the cutest outfit for his birthday; it's my favorite for him to wear. Jason says it makes Will look like the frat boy that Jason never got to be. I had to tell Jason that he's a frat boy in every sense. Anyway, here's Will wearing the outfit; well, at least you can see the shirt.

Jenny and Justin gave Will this ball for his first birthday. I completely credit them w/ all of Will's physical acheivements: he figured out the whole crawling thing after spending an afternoon with their daughter Jovie. Then this ball is what taught him how to walk. I had mentioned before that Jason and his dad had to leave Will's birthday party early to work in Houston that weekend; before they left, Will wasn't a confident independent walker. When Jason got home 3 days after that, the kid could walk a 10K no problem, and could slow down enough to grab a drink from one of the little old ladies handing them out on the side.

Will was good at it, is what I'm saying.

So, a week after the fact, here are the kids in their Halloween costumes:

To review: Will=penguin; Kylie (cousin)=rabbit; Jovie (friend, mentor)=zebra. Or, in this shot, she's a zebra's butt.

Finally, this one from Park after Dark which Awesome Jenny invited us to:

They grow pumpkins large here in Texas. Funny story and then I promise to shut up. The park where this was held is something like 1300 acres. Apparently the week following this little gathering, two men decided to take their combined six children hiking. All six kids were between the ages of two and five. Neither of the men thought to bring along diapers, extra food or water, or a cell phone. Which really sucked when they got themselves lost for 14 hours.

Good, responsible parenting, right there. Makes Will's running away seem not so bad.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

OK, Will's costume is great, but the zebra sprawled on the floor is hilarious. Dave called it "Dead Zebra" or the big game hunting costume.