Incidentally, this is why I don't like to be in the pictures: cleavage isn't a good look for me.
Luckily, there was enough beer for everyone
This is one month old Caden; Brad's already teaching him the finer points of Mexican beer.
Caden's averse to flash photography; he did get enough time to throw out some gang signs.
Will wonders if Riley can come out to play ball.
This is Awesome Henry and Allison. It's a unanimous decision that Henry's a rock star; the guy is funny and gets along with damn near everyone. Plus, he's coo-coo for Allison, which makes him alright in my book.
This is just a funny shot to end the night: Riley having to be dragged away from my son, who stands there in his rocket ship pajamas wondering why his new friend was yelling at him.
Luckily, there was enough beer for everyone
This is one month old Caden; Brad's already teaching him the finer points of Mexican beer.
Caden's averse to flash photography; he did get enough time to throw out some gang signs.
Will wonders if Riley can come out to play ball.
This is Awesome Henry and Allison. It's a unanimous decision that Henry's a rock star; the guy is funny and gets along with damn near everyone. Plus, he's coo-coo for Allison, which makes him alright in my book.
This is just a funny shot to end the night: Riley having to be dragged away from my son, who stands there in his rocket ship pajamas wondering why his new friend was yelling at him.
We had a blast this weekend; thanks to everyone who was around!
I don't know what you're talking about...your cleavage looks great. Ask Jason. ;)
I'm glad you commented on the cleavage, because I was going to.
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