Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Secret Lovers...Yeah.

That's what we are. Try so hard to hide the way we feel.

Oh Scotch Tape, how you delight me. You cover up my mistakes and make all my Christmas packages look tight and firm. You are the platic surgery of Christmas. I rescued five packages of you from obscurity at my local Dollar General--I brought you home and have kept you safe and warm; I gave you a place to lay your weary end piece. But I am a cruel mistress, Scotch Tape. I will use you. I will abuse you. I will discard you without a second thought. But oh! how I will cry when you are gone. I will yearn for you, Scotch Tape.


Bethany said...

c r e e p y.

The Carter's said...

Bite me.

Bethany said...

Why don't you have your Scotch tape do that...since you love it so much.