So today was our first--and probably last--Spring soccer practice. Will did pretty well at the three drills he attempted, but he's not so much with the listening to directions. Any readers may have two minutes of "I Told You So"s starting now.
The coach, Amy, had said that all they wanted this age group to do is kick the ball in the goal. There we're good. Will kicked the ball as hard as he could towards the goal and everyone clapped. Then he needed a Bubba Water break (you can barely see the cup in his hands: it's bright pink).
The second drill was a run and kick. I believe soccer players actually call it "dribbling".
Please notice the approach. Will keeps the ball well within his limits and maintains control at all times. Too bad it's veering directly left of the actual goal.
Anyway, like I said, he did a few drills but always wound up running back to us crying and I spent most of the hour-long practice holding him. I had a feeling he wasn't developed enough for this (even though he was faaaar from being the smallest one of the ten) but figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. So tomorrow I'll call and withdraw him and attempt to get our money back. We'll try again in the fall.
I think Will did a lot better than Troy would have, he mostly enjoy jumping and climbing when we take him to the baby gym. Love your shoes ;)
Good luck for take II on Friday. I'm telling you, send Jason alone. You're too much of a softy...which is part of why both Will and I love you.
Gay, right?
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