Friday, March 20, 2009

Someone loves me

So for a while now I've been mourning the loss of a couple of my favorite tv shows: Arrested Development and Veronica Mars.

Someone has answered my prayers.

I just discovered Party Down. (This gives you the first episode. You're welcome).

It's got a very AD feel to it with some of the sight gags and situations. The boss has a slight David Brent from the British Office. Almost everyone on the screen at any given time has been in either Veronica Mars or Freaks and Geeks (two words: Bill and Haverchuck).

It's almost as though Rob Thomas, Judd Apatow and Paul Rudd thought "What would Jill like to watch on a Friday night?" I don't remember writing the wish list but they've apparently gotten a copy and put it into production.

Of course, since I'm already salivating over only the first episode, it will of course be cancelled toute de suite, but since it's on cable I might get six episodes out of this. God willing.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I'm sitting down to watch it right now. Breathing...breathing...