I started my day bright and early by listening to Will yell "MAMA!" Beat. "MAMAAAAAAA!" As I'm walking to his room (without my glasses) I glance briefly at the clock and see that it's 7:15--perfect as we're supposed to be at Jason's grandparents in an hour for a wonderful breakfast spread. I change the diaper and we walk into the kitchen to get him a snack and realize I should put my glasses on in the morning: it's 6:30. Waaaaay too early. So I do what I swear I'd never do and pull up an episode of Will's favorite show and go back to bed for a blissful 30 minutes.
Eventually we're all up and ready to go and have a wonderful morning w/ Jason's grandparents, Dunbar's and Cousin Dustin and his girlfriend. Good breakfast, stress-free morning.
We meet up with Rebecca and Courtney Dark for a lunch break on their drive to New Jersey. The illustrious Cracker Barrel was about all that was available in the area we were meeting, and Courtney proceeded to confuse our waitress with strange lunch requests: things like "Water for me, please" and "Can I get this salad without the chicken?" and finally, "No, I don't need a to-go box". Seriously, Courtney, can you reign it in a bit? Always a good time with the Darks.
After nap (for Will and me, since we'd been up so early) I decided to take Tiny swimming. Our child is a rock star in the pool: he has no fear. He dives right in, holds his breath and opens his eyes underwater and looks for Jason. Will's got a pretty mean dog paddle right now and loves when Jason throws him across the pool. I, of course, wanted to get in on this action but revert immediately to baby playing, where I hold him and bounce up and down in the water.
My thanks for this?
Will blows chunks in the (crowded) neighborhood pool. We were towards the edge of the pool but instead of lifting him out and letting him finish up on the concrete where it could have easily been washed away, I hold him tighter to me (I guess to squeeze out any more of the vomit, as though Will was some sort of vomit-sponge) and try to
catch it in my open hand.
Note to self: don't do that anymore.
I get Will out of the pool and over to the showers and try to rinse us both off as best I can. That's when Jason comes up and takes over and severely stresses that I go into the ladies room and take off my swim top and rinse it out in the sink. That was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever done. The vomit had indeed gone down my top and collected in the elastic waistband underneath the bra cups. Just when I thought I'd gotten it all, I'd find more gathered in the shoulder straps and clasps. How the hell did it get behind me?!
When I felt comfortable enough to go back out I was surprised to find people still in the pool. Apparently nobody noticed my tiny little fish discharging a days' worth of food out of his nose and mouth into my bathing suit. I didn't feel comfortable getting back in before I managed to completely disinfect the suit, so I sat in a lounge chair in the sun until I realized just how ripe I smelled. I hoofed it back home to make dinner and wait for my boys to join me.
When they did, Will went immediately into the tub and felt much better.

There's a
Flashdance joke in here somewhere but I'll leave that for you to make.